Hung out in Azur's room last night. He showed
me an emu egg he'd scrimshawed and a styrofoam cup compressed to the size
of a thimble by the intense pressure at 2200 meter depth, a gift from his
oceanographer friend.
Today we went for a bikeride. He lent me some gloves and a pump for my
cold-shrunken tires. It had been weeks since I'd been on a bike. The Olympics
in the distance looked good under snow. Bearded, almost. It was an easy roll
to Golden Gardens, not many cars on the road.
We sat not far from where ducks were working their bills into the dirt
in search of food. An old woman with a combination walker-basket-chair said
she comes there every day.... We wondered whether one intent man was going
to keep walking right into the water but he stopped just short and quickly
about-faced.... A young couple rosy with love.... In the parking lot, a man
beside his car, surrounded, feeding gulls. In the passenger seat, his old
lady, smiling benignly, tossing
crusts.... |