prophet motive

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June 27, 2002

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pigeon hung in harness for rehabilitation purposes mean dog in new car parked in front of tacky high-end condo, seattle
trash-pickin' dog, baltimore two boy dogs get it on during pride week festivities, east village, nyc

30"x40" fine art prints for sale, archival paper, $100 each. email me.

I lost my main Web client right before leaving for 3 weeks in Europe--how's that for timing? And now our roommate is moving out on short notice, meaning my share of the rent due in 3 days has just gone up 50%. Add to that the fact that I'm pretty sick of computer work (it's called the Web for a reason--easy to get stuck in it) and you can see why I'm selling these nice big prints at cost. Hurry, hurry! Well, at least I still have my health, despite numerous falls (down hatches, over fences, and off my skateboard--before it was stolen saturday night) and this weird thing on my face that I'm not going to worry about any more. Life goes on. If you don't need art for your walls, how about offering me a job either outdoors or tending bar? I am ready to rock! My long-lost friend Chet used to say, "Fortunes change," and this definitely seems to be an ebb in the flow, but I've got to say that despite the pressure I'm feelin' pretty good. How 'bout you?