Miso Maria Consuela Cabeza
is her name, being cute is her fate
An ambassador of love from Cat Planet,
her furry purr vibrates to save
in the way Tibetan monks chant
"to effect a specific change
in the individual
and his
note: above quote taken from back cover of
Tantric and Ritual Music of Tibet: An anthology of Buddhist chants and hymns
recorded at Tibetan monasteries in northern India and Nepal during the years
1969 and 1970.*
The monks believe good sounds balance the forces of evil in the world. These
vibrations are energy, energy affects matter--the monks hope for the better.
"It is only in this exceptional time that we live in, an age of massive world
changes, that the lamas have reversed their traditional practice of secrecy
and have allowed certain chants to be heard." Cats, too, divulge their
*Produced and distributed by Dorje Ling / Box 1140 San
Rafael, California, 94902 copyright 1974 |