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January 17, 2004


This Way to the Good Times
This Way to the Good Times!

Alcohol Will Hold You Up when Others Let You Down
Alcohol Will Hold You Up
when Others Let You Down

A Good Drink is like a Hot Tub for One
One Size Fits All

You Cannot Drown When You Are Drunk
Fact: One Cannot Drown While Drunk

Finally got around to organizing those match labels I found in Prague in September. There are several hundred, and I'm categorizing by: spacerace, airplanes, anniversaries, travel, architecture, agriculture, industry, consumer goods, and public service announcements--like those pictured here. My Russian, she is not perfect, but I have roughly translated some of the labels from The Virtues of Alcohol series. Please let me know if I've made any errors.

A Well-mixed Cocktail Will Make a Man Compassionate
Alcohol Unites All in Compassion!

You're Never alone with a Bottle in your Hand
You're Never Alone with a Bottle in your Hand

She'll Demand You Take Her Out for More!
She'll Demand You Take
Her Out for More!