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Picture of the Day
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May 28, 2005

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today was sunny and dry,
except for the fountain
at seattle center, where
sarah and i pedalled
to meet john berry for
one last farewell before
his departure for a
summer residency in
finland. lucky guy, huh?

folklife was going on,
too. as usual, the best
stuff was at the edges:
the kitchen syncopators,
drummer kevin sawka's
hip-hop beats wedded
to angular bagpiping, and
of course the hilariously
refreshing scene at the
fountain where goths,
crunchies, kidz, trippers,
twirlers, skippers, freaks,
gymbodies, yours truly,
and a courtney lookalike
all mixed it up under
the rainbow spray to
beat the heat and come
away smelling like
disinfectant bleach
boca, baby!