...when i assemble a Flattened
Can Spiral, i title it with the number of cans of which it consists
(FCS 163, FCS 439, etc.). the
missing numbers between spirals recall Buckminster Fuller's idea of
integrities, the 99.9% of the magnetic spectrum beyond our senses, the
"thought" "soul" "impetus" which manifests through matter,
the spiral is always existing made temporarily invisible
by time the way a traveller appears and disappears moving through fog, spotty
visibility, the essence of the spiral exists |
outside the cans but is
recognizeable only when constructed of apprehendable familiar forms. so,
when i call this spiral Flattened Can Spiral 439 it is in a double sense
the 439th Spiral. There are the sequential spirals which were never constructed,
existed only jumbled together |
in a bag. 436 cans, 437
cans, 438... they added up slowly, picked sporadically from the streets.
Then, there are all the spirals which existed as the totality was being
constructed. After the first few cans, the spiral form was visible,
consecutive spirals of discrete
number (212 can spiral, add a can, 213 can spiral, add a can, 214 can spiral,
etc...), and after the last can was laid down (#439), the spiral went back
into the bag like a body into its grave, the idea of spiral charging it the
way a soul gives motive force to creatures. the next spiral assembly (of
as yet indeterminate number) will occur Thursday September 8 2005 at the
RE Store,
1440 NW 52nd, 2 blocks N of Ballard Bridge. |