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September 3, 2005

DJ S.O.B. Guerilla Instore at Sonic Boom Vinyl Annex

Definitely inspired by the In Resonance sound art show at Bumbershoot, I lugged two portable phonographs down to Sonic Boom (Fremont) Vinyl Annex to test listen a batch more of Sounds of Broadcasting (S.O.B.) sound effects records after I'd already bought four and listened to 2 at a time simultaneously which lit up my day as much as the sunlight, now in its waning days as we stumble towards equinox. Morgan was nice enough to indulge it, plugged the 1960s era gramophones in on the counter, set a third S.O.B. spinning on the house deck. The shoppers and one employee who happened to stop down liked it.

Lately I've been taking my technology out of the house. Thursday I played LPs and showed home movies at the Asian Wok & Grill (the dozen who showed up, as predicted, got fairly soused).

Projected light and amplified sounds are 21st Century takes on ancient storytelling traditions. Sometimes I feel self-conscious about it, but overall it beats television for community-building.