Today I envisioned gravity as hands
reaching up out of the planet to drag you
down after Noel talked about ski jumps.
We broke down the Flower &
Garden Show
exhibit in record time, two quick truckloads,
back outside rain had turned to butter sun
then back to rain
Lake Washington.
Waimea brewpub in
is turning over
Rover, a gay place, and the new
owners were kind enough to denail
a bunch
of trim and donate copper & bamboo lights.
in Kirkland, another restaurant,
defunct since 2002, adorned with
kitsch |
and curios. It didn't smell as bad as you'd
think it would. It was faux old to begin with
and now it's getting crunched for condos.
A table in the corner bore a brass plaque
dedicated to one of the co-owners--1988.
We took mostly racks,
divisions of space
to hold things against gravity. We found
30-lb. ledgers showing debts and transactions
of the Forsyth Mercantile Co., 1938 - 1969.
Same year as
alleged moon landing people
were still dipping nibs in ink, charting the
numbers that divided people between solid
citizens and fiscal disgrace, the difference
between timely payments & swelling interest.
Sunset back at our own
store, the sky was
crowded with curious
faces hurrying south....
Below them: beds made, unmade, or
occupied. |