There's mad
amounts of
music and
film festivals
every summer in the Czech Republic. The one in
especially varied, produced as it is by the underground art visionaries
Camping was on the grounds of the castle and only cost 20
crowns (less than a buck) per person for all 4
days. It didn't get too rowdy,
although of course the loudest drunks had to be
camped right next to us. Stages
and screens were scattered around town and on
top of the hill amid the ruins of a
13th century castle. Many were bummed
that UJD had
to cancel (guitarist in
hospital), especially
since they were slated to perform with
a choir. The best and
most unusual act
Kosticky, a
choir singing
quirky rhyming poetry by
Kocickova who commanded the stage with wit
and flair. Also funny, though
not intentionally, was
Gipsy.CZ, a hip-hop
act that
went through the longest
primadonna soundcheck ever and then scuttled their
credibility by rapping in "Fakelish"--English-sounding
gibberish favored by bands
that wish to appear cosmopolitan. Too bad, too,
because their interesting
arrangement of drumkit, fiddle, and upright bass sounded good and
had potential. |