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May 7, 2007

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shared some cheesebread Sarah bought at nearby pizzeria.


I felt lucky when I found two chips on the sidewalk
outside Viking Fire Foundry. I jammed them randomly
in the sand at the pocket beach across from Gordo's
right next door to the Elks' where the tide was so far out
we saw 10 feet of exposed mussels clinging to hollow pilings.
It was more or less by chance.
Steve, Jed, John Berry, crow, seagull and inquisitive goose.
The water lapped the shore as if it didn't care.
Steve says now that orcas are dying off, great white sharks are
setting up shop in Puget Sound. The 5:19 sun burned through
like bulletholes in a darkroom wall. We ate and drank such
luxury: fried clams, french fries, grilled cheese.