today was and is
full to bursting. all day long i cleaved
to my purpose, fulfilled my functions, sent
electric signals
forth from my fingertips into keyboard to be
relayed around
the world at close to the speed of thought. at
5ive i knocked
off, showered, got on my horse, hitched it to a
outside the general store and fetched me 8
protein links in a shrink-to-fit wrapper plus
2x4 hot
dog rolls baked right here in seattle. i rode
east on the
b/g, picked my way towards
38th ave in madrona,
stopping frequently to assess the path of least
loving my much-used seattle bike map which in
addition to color-coding bikefriendly routes
shows basic topography and thanks to it i was
able to
make it to the majestic promontory on which my
potluck bbq
destination sat with a minimum of up-and-down
most congenial company, i hated to leave, rode
my bike up and
over the hump of seattle (capitol hill) via the
length of pike/pine to alibi.
i enjoy bartending when the room is full of
goodnatured people. we dropped
the booth table (with usual difficulty, had to
take the red hammer to it to
dislodge stubborn peg that holds the heavy
tabletop up) and unrolled the
grey carpet, thus setting the stage for a bunch
of men from missouri going
by the names southside, space, john
travoltage, murgatroid, & others made
up on the spot, acoustic guitar renditions of
classic rap followed by a lot
of hype freestyling with mcs coming and going as
they pleased, jumping
down to get a drink then
back onstage without missing
a beat. after all that (and the party did last),
i rode
slowly along the waterfront, pausing at baby/man
with the sky so black behind the frothing white
peaks of
temporary mountains, then as i spoke to a
concerned sarah
on cell dawn began to break, sky violet then
blue, the sound
similar hue, it dawned on me that instead of
carfree days it
might be sensible to celebrate carfree nights
when even 15th
avenue is so devoid of motor traffic one can
pedal freely
in the middle of the road.