Sometimes I wonder if I'm happy with too little. |
But then again, I'm happy. What more do I want? |
Would I be happier if I were living some grand |
romantic version of the artist lifestyle? Or would |
it just become a grind? There's something I like |
about the strenuous work I do--so long as I only |
have to do it 3 days/week. There's something |
to be said for wearing down the body, clearing |
the mind, and focusing dimensionally on the task |
at hand whether it's drilling a hole, scooping gravel, |
scrubbing rust stains off concrete, applying clear |
coat, gluing and nailing off subfloor, or making 5 |
cuts around and through a thick
beam |
and having it come off square--all of which I did |
today after first having one of those crystallized |
moments upon getting to the jobsite in West Seattle |
at 8:39 a.m. PDT: overnight rain on agriculture tarp |
we had lain the night before, puddles scattered |
like a mirror that'd broken and turned to mercury. |
There was something about it that said: I am here. |
The forecast was for rain but the morning was |
sunny. Kind of unbelievably. The trains, cranes |
and containers of a working port were at my feet, |
the beeping of large reversing machinery recurred |
throughout the day, imprinting itself vividly.... |