Some people experiment with drugs and
alcohol. I experiment with sobriety. Then, when
my system is nice and clean I hit it hard and
record the collapse of rational thought. It's
nice to be out here in the middle of
nowhere--there's far less thought pollution and
gross influence of media manipulations and
depressing presence of lost souls on autopilot.
But of course I haven't been here long and carry
much of that taint inside me. There are jingles
I can call to mind that were implanted in
childhood, not to mention God, country, and the
flag. "I pledge allegiance..." Jesus, how many
times did I recite that along with thousands of
Hail Mary's and Our Father's? Putting myself
through the wringer, pushing towards the edge of
reason, is just an attempt to confront and purge
some demons. Getting ripped is a form of mental
hygiene, a way to silence the internal editor
and dredge up and expunge some deep-seated
irritants. It's a fun and revealing practice,
for me at least, but I'm hoping you
find some value in it, too. Maybe
just some amusement. Or perhaps a cautionary lesson, a negative
example of what not to do? We all have to
choose. Sometimes I decide
to banish conscious choice and loose a
suppressed inner voice, let go
of the steering wheel and enjoy a
surprising ride... Ladies and gentlemen: