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Picture of the Day

February 2, 2016

missed opportunity
I dj'd 45s at Indian Summer tonight, decided to indulge a vice and buy some cloves next door at Summit Foods. It had been a while since I'd seen Jong, the owner, and I asked him how he's been. "Terrible! I lost power." At least that's what I thought he said; English isn't his first language and the accent sometimes throws me. I looked around his packed-to-the-rafters corner shop and imagined what a power loss might entail. Thinking myself sensitive and empathetic, I cast an eye over his freezer chests and guessed, "Did your ice cream melt?" "What?" "You lost your power?" "No! Powerball! I'm sad because I lost Powerball." I figured this was a joke. 99.99999999% of people who play, lose, but his story was different. "I play the same numbers for four months, but last week I forgot to buy a ticket. My numbers won! I lost $96 million. I am soooo sad. That was my retirement plan!" When I asked if those numbers had any special meaning, he said no, they were picked by an app. Maybe it was a glitch, but for some reason it kept giving him the same numbers week after week. "Will you play again?" "No, I am too unlucky." I said maybe it meant the opposite. After all, some have won twice.