4Shadows started
in 2008 when I bought a $5 drum kit from Adria & Craig. It
sat stacked in the living room corner for weeks
while I searched for a place to use it. I asked one
person after another if they knew a rental practice
space. When I finally asked Frank he said
he had a place he'd been meaning to put to that
purpose and so The Vault was born.
The first kit was a
sprawling mutant. In the beginning it was just
me, Jesse, and
with occasional visits from Millis and Rich.
Then Rich brought Matt in
and it's been some configuration of us 6 every week
for the past 8 years. It's the anchor of my week.
And the wings. We improvise, record everything, and
cull the better bits to disseminate online, clogging
the internet. Jesse is the master culler with
the quick turnaround of music and art, in this case
a double dose from last Sunday's session. No brakes,
no map, no going back. The view from the cliff was
delightful and now the ground is coming up fast. |