Harris cites how much progress Seattle has
made in its perpetual "fight against homelessness"
since he founded Real
Change 23 years ago: Number of
unsheltered homeless has quintupled; those
temporarily sheltered quadrupled.
Harris was the first guest interviewed by Brett
Hamil at tonight's Shadow
Council. The second guest was school board
candidate Zachary
DeWolf, who believes PTAs in affluent
schools should share their surpluses with less
privileged ones. Jessyn Farrell, one
of 21 mayoral candidates, displayed smooth
style but drew a blank when called
out for co-opting the language of the social
justice movement. Then local pro
wrestlers engaged in an "proxy urbanist
battle" which I suspect was at least partly
scripted. But the most salient question of the
night was drawn from the democracy bucket, that
oracle of the people: "What is this bullshit
and why aren't we rioting in the MF streets?"Anyone,