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Picture of the Day
September 26, 2020


despair feels like the obvious
default option when every day brings
another twist on the kaleidoscope of catastrophe—
climate, politics, economy, &c—all of it exacerbated by the
isolation imposed by covid-19 precautions and shutdowns. so it's
been a boon to have a monthly DJ set at SPASM, a well-regulated outdoor
flea market in south park organized by stalwart josh okrent. it's an opportunity to get
lost in music and enjoy chance encounters with friendly randos. this month's installment had
already been postponed due to smoke and it looked like the curse would continue as clouds threatened
and then delivered a downpour just
as these bellydancers started their performance. instead of dampening their spirits,
they exulted in the intensity of the deluge. their joy was contagious, kept a potentially discouraging turn from spiraling
downward, a reminder that it's against a backdrop of adversity that creativity, community, and celebration shine brightest.