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Picture of the Day
November 4, 2023

spacer <<< it rained almost 3 inches in the last 36 hours but afternoon sun broke through, air scrubbed clean, redolent with woodstove smoke and autumn decay, dry creek running wet first time since late spring. perfect for a golden hour walk so we decided to go up north shore road and investigate, see if anything had happened. it sure is pretty, not exactly a nature hike but close, and we speculated on how much karmic justice would be appropriate for people who drive recklessly through crosswalks at public parks and past roadside front yards where toddlers play. hadn't gotten far into our speculations when one of the sports cars from before came at us, rolling slow and respectful. we gave a friendly wave to the young driver, who returned the gesture with a blank face. then came the pickup, also at appropriate speed; the pair in front seat barely registered our greeting. we went on, road narrowing to single lane, one blind curve after another winding up and down, high branches at eye level growing out of ravines, blacktop slick with recent rain and wet leaves. >>>