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May 10, 2024


commuting is stupid. why don't we just live at our jobs?
oh wait, that might be the plan and it sounds terrible.
so here i am on my way to seattle with a truckload
of tools to do a rush job for a repeat customer.
the timing's not great but i'm making it work.

big boats are so very exciting that i never
thought i'd become blasé about riding the
ferry. and i still make a point of walking the
decks in all sorts of weather, but sometimes
when i get a decent view i don't mind staying
in the vehicle, especially when i've been up
since 5am after a poor night's sleep. speaking
of slumber, don't be fooled by that "mountain"
in the distance--it's actually an active volcano
and no one knows when it will next wake up.
meantime, i doze off, adrift in a blue dream...
