Ghosts of Seattle Past, contributor
As a compulsive chronicler of my surroundings, I was especially attuned to the rapid changes that overtook “funky” Fremont in Seattle from 1998-2002, a period which saw it transform from a counter-cultural bastion with affordable live/work spaces for artists to a thoroughly gentrified neighborhood that leveraged its quirky cred to inadvertently drive out those who helped make it a magnet for tourism and investment. My essay and companion slidetalk describe the rise and fall of Monkeyhut, a dilapidated shack that for a brief halcyon time served as an informal community and arts center.
Buy Ghosts of Seattle Past
BUK 100, contributor
Charles Bukowski once wrote a poem fantasizing about being plucked from obscurity by erudite benefactors who whisk him away to a literary Shangri-la.
I got a taste of that when I received an email out of the blue asking me to contribute to a centenary chapbook tribute. The editors had seen my first and only post to a Buk forum and ensuing kerfuffle when I butted heads with the forum’s butthead moderator. They liked my moxie!
Charles Bukowski is a polarizing figure. Some say he’s a misogynist, but what I find refreshing and necessary is his equal opportunity misanthropy. In a world plagued by humanity‘s failings, his clear-eyed critiques have been a solace since that day I first stumbled upon his work.
South Seattle Emerald, fiction & poetry contributor
South Seattle Emerald is an online journal focused on news and creative writing relevant to the Pacific Northwest.
The More Things Change, short story about the changing face of Seattle, published 2015
Seafair 2020, expressionist speculative fiction with a happy ending of sorts, 2016
Duck & Cover, poem inspired by photo of a Cold War nuclear attack preparedness drill, reprinted in Emerald Reflections