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February 13, 1999

Read any good books lately?

Just last night Sarah was saying how with no sun to rouse you one never really wakes up in Seattle. But today was all blue skies with only a token mid-day shower so Andrew, Sarah, and I biked the Burke-Gilman Trail to Agua Verde where we met Jeff and Michelle for some kayak rental. There was a lot of sloppy chop off Gasworks Park but after that the wind died down and water smoothed out. We oohed and aahed at the wooden tugs and colorful variety of rubber bumpers protecting their hulls. We loitered under drawbridges, watching them lift and drop, steel lattice vibration and traffic hum. The second time we did it I got a bullhorn warning not to block the channel from marine cops in whose large wake we bobbed.

i would've taken a million more pictures had my batteries not died on the water