Quiet day indoors, outside it's
sunny, the tomato plants on the balcony are
making their best Indian Summer efforts to go
from green to red. Cutting, painting, gluing,
makes one-of-a-kind
covers for the CD she just finished
recording, Monte
cuts links for wallet chains and bracelets
with streetfound beertabs for bangles for Pat
who's fixing to jump freight south in just a
few days. The door is open but Lulu won't go
outside, preferring bedroom light. Are those
fumes from last night's fire still lingering?
Could explain why we followed Daniel
Johnston, Bob
Dylan and Beck with Billy
Joel, but as I write it's The Clash and
Sarah's chopping in the kitchen. Yesterevening
on his porch, Weiss and I discussed the
importance of community and it's a nice
feeling, the ebb and flow of transient peoples
gathering under a single roof to indulge
creative pursuits.