I ran into Monte outside and we decided
to call Jed whose station wagon could accomodate the chair. Payphones next
door at 7-11, needed 35 cents change, stood in line and plucked a single
foil-wrapped chocolate-covered cherry from the counter and passed an
enigmatically smiling Washington to the man of asian descent cashier. Put
change in phone, dialed number, change of heart, hang up, coin release lever,
Dollar eighty
in change spills down the chute. Got to Jed's werkplatz where taking the
"Genuine Stratalounger" off my
head a little chewing gum stick
sized strip of cardboard with these words on it fell out:
Unto the Son he saith,
Thy throne,
O God, is forever and ever.
Hebrews 1:8. |