fly free!

Picture of the Day
yesterday | today tomorrow

October 16, 02001

small car stop most toys win lake union
miracle on 34th st

Got a copy of Bridge #3 from Dave today, containing his essay on the limitations of the novel and a very good CD with Fullerian manifesto by Negativland and humorous interview with Andrei Codrescu. Then I lingered on a high bridge, looking down at the toy cars and tiny boats that inhabit my home. Walked to EMP for screening of Wild Style, director Charlie Ahearn in attendance showing slides of old school NYC hip-hop scene. Eggs and coffee at 5-point afterwards, discussing Dylan's ego and New York's traumatized citizenry. Like Pavement sings, "Between here and there is better than either here or there," and I felt at ease up there on Seattle's GWB, zoomed out, finding my wings...

hardcore commuter

let them da roof, da roof, da roof is under water...
look both ways these colors do run ...and then my batteries died eat