Can you ever make up for lost time?
I kind of doubt it, but lately I feel
as if I'm trying to squeeze two or three
lives into each day, as if atoning for all
the years I wasted. I'm working two
jobs two days a week each, then doing
some web work at nights, not to mention writing
for anne e. moore's magazine,
promoting a friend's art
gallery, learning PHP,
creating an online archive of backlogged photography,
helping found an intentional
community, living car-free,
and mailing friends letters, books, and
CDs. I'm not sure why the sudden sense
of urgency, but it seems that everything's quickly
changing and there's no point just sitting around
Today was a hell of a day, great in
every way and I worry I must be crazy to feel so
optimistic given the contrary evidence. Woke
up. That was a start. Food and coffee in the
kitchen, the luxury of drinking water, work
waiting to be done, the prodigal sun returning
without so much as an apology, steep dry streets
and a skateboard on loan from Travis, a
miracle of no collision as it rolled through the
busy intersection with me chasing after it saying
"oh shit oh shit...," the bums pissing where they
want, pushing malt liquor shopping carts, sarah's art,
the birdcage stand "free" in a doorway, the
repaired candleshade to hang on it, Lee on the
street smoking me with sage saying it's a full
moon don't you love it? and the sudden faith that
we can save ourselves so long as we share our
visions & dreams--don't wait!