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December 17, 2004

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I had to pick something up from Chavez's up around 80th and 8th, so for the first time in a long time I got on my bicycle. See, lately I've been spending a lot of time in the neighborhood, and when I do go cross-town it's usually on the 5 or 44. It was nice getting out on the old Motobecane again--even if it is a little sketchy with substitute wobbly front wheel scavenged from Sarah's dad's ancient Schwinn 10-speed. In my black nylon shoulder bag I had about 13 11x17 blow-ups of thank you poster and green Arrow T-55 squeezetrigger staplegun. I dropped posters off at Free Range Cycles, Wright Bros., and E-bikes Northwest. I had to race to stay ahead of white tractor trailer truck on no-shoulder Leary, then low-geared it up 8th avenue, tacking posters along the bike route at major intersections.