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December 14, 2004

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Jonathan Richman is a living legend. This was my second time
seeing him at the Tractor Tavern, a popular venue for acoustic
and country acts (as well as more raging shows, occasionally).
Everyone was there. OK, that is an exaggeration. But there
were a lot of familiar faces, starting with Craig McNeil from
Orcas Island who called to see if I wanted to go for a beer.
Did I! He skateboarded/bused over and we sucked at 16 oz.
PBRs while watching a piece of Spirited Away, which Jesse
had been recommending for some time. It's a real fine movie.
We drank and walked to the bus stop at 46th and Phinney
where the 44 came just as we got there. On the way to the
Tractor to get Craig a ticket, we bumped into Davey Oil and
Stefan Gruber on the sidewalk. Then we met Connie & Bruce
at Hattie's Hat, where TT tickets get you 25% off food. At the
Tractor, flatchestedmama and Sam Trout said hi. So did Tim, a
closeby neighbor who I also saw at GBV's last Seattle show.
The annoying guy heckling the opening band turned out to be
the father of the microsoft millionaire mentioned here; turns out
he's friends with the contractor who did his son's house. (It was
the contractor who recognized me from Sunday's job.) Jen W
of Monkeyhut days was there and her friend Kent bought a
DVD, which is a smart thing to do any time of the year.

Jonathan was smiling a lot and seemed to focus on love songs.
He didn't rant as he did last time; he seemed to be in too good
of a mood. He even sang happy birthday by request and the
whole crowd joined in. Tommy Larkin looked a little tired.

The beer, whisky and scotch kept coming. The night probably
should have ended one pitcher sooner. Craig and I caught a
ride home with Connie & Bruce. Sarah was none too pleased
to see me so stinky so I spent the night on the couch.