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June 1, 2005

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is this seat empty?
Work was exhausting today. Dismantling college
biology labs. The cabinets came apart easily but the
black acid-resistant stone countertops were heavy and numerous.
The combined weight of just one load almost broke the 1-ton liftgate on our
truck. Half the building was still operational, with students and researchers
spinning stuff in centrifuges, hunched in front of computers, and
explaining things to one another on hallway whiteboards.
What was in the air there? We felt like test subjects in someone's
experiment, wending our way through maze-like corridors. But like every
ratmaze, there was cheese waiting at the end. This yellow
arrow of Safeway parking lot pointed the way, led directly
to the beer aisle, cheap stuff all the way at the end. Bought a
12-pack of "Rainier", named for a mountain in "Washington", used
to be brewed in "Seattle" but now comes out of "California."
Oh well, cheese by any other name...