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June 9, 2005

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Mapsense! Praha - Plzen    



Map Squivel Praha - Kutna Hora (Jakub), CR

Mapsense! Praha - Plzen

Got off work early (slow day), went home and started working on various
long due web projects, divided my time between troubleshooting new
Restore website and pulling together basic info for the World Peace Hotel.

Map Squivel Praha - Kutna Hora (Jakub), CR  

Using two different scale maps, I tried to determine the relative distance
of Jakub between Praha and Brno. After much labored cogitating and
unsuccessful methods (the map extractions you see here), I hit upon
putting an old wood ruler against the screen, which revealed that Jakub
(pronounced yah-koob) is 5/16 of the way from Praha to Brno.


The meeting of old and new "computer" technology
struck me as pretty funny. Maybe I need to get out more.

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