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August 1, 2005

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ghost cycle #21 - click for big

I've been loving the bicycle/bus combo. Last week, I attended 7 music performances in 5 days--an unprecedented feat for me--and I got there each time by using a combination of Seattle Metro bus and bicycle. The weather was good, so most of the time it was by bicycle, but it was nice when time was tight to throw the bike onto the fold-down rack and go by bus. Freedom costs a buck-2-5.

But, it's been disturbing hearing about friends' many bike crashes involving oblivious drivers. Abrupt unsignalled turns and blown STOP signs seem to be the most common causes. When you drive, you are legally and morally obliged to signal each and every turn you make. It's lazy, arrogant, and reckless not to do so. Every time you make an unsignalled turn, you are an asshole. When you roll through a stop line or into a crosswalk, you are an asshole. Try not being an asshole, please.

Years ago, when I lived in New York City, some people were going around tracing body outlines on the pavement where people had been killed. Today, at the "Center of the Universe," I saw this painted-white ghostcycle chained to a post, another street level memorial.

I felt anger and frustration when I heard of so many cyclists getting hit by motor vehicles, but I didn't know what to do about it. It's good to see someone doing something, taking the intiative and demonstrating the power of art to penetrate and awaken consciousness.

Live more, drive less.