The ever alert
Abramson of CGT |
Portland to Sacramento was a long leg.
Everyone took turns driving except me.
I sat in the back and partied by myself,
then took a nap for the last 40 minutes.
The California air was dry and smelled
fine and we caught whiffs of distant fire.
We pulled up to Fools
Foundation and
unloaded, then had dinner at a Thai place
around the block that's popular with cops.
Back at Fools, the room was well-suited
to projection; the fractal video effect came
off well. Despite road weariness,
and CGT shredded.
After the show, giddy
with fatigue and cheap beer, everyone cut
up in the back room, making the most of
paper bags and masking tape. The art at
Fools was really good--amazing fine line
surrealist drawings and cunning sculptures
made out of thousands of tiny loops of ad-
hesive tape. Rob Millis once again hooked
us up with a host and we drove on out to
Davis where we stayed in a rental house
adorned wall to wall with rock show posters.
Sharing a smoke at the side of the house, I
looked up through a tree's bare branches on
which the stars seemed to hang like fruit....