On Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:30 PM, jan čejka
AHOj! Yesterday morning I got your e-mail,
read it and since then think about what you
wrote and think about what I am going to
Good thing was that I had a free day (Easter
holiday), making clocks, thinking about what
to write back and switch between clockmaking
and notes making.
Here are some things I put down on paper
It is a big difference between DOING SOMETHING
BECAUSE YOU CAN AND WANT and on the opposite
It is like with the
little still life with tram station in my
drawer. I did it because I thought it
would be fun, it would be something cool. It
is totally useless but it stays in value for a
long time and you can think about it and enjoy
it every time you see it.
It is really great to do SOMETHING USELESS
To do things at the right time and proper time
and spend as much time as you feel on it.
If you work on something, it is great to STOP
if you feel like stop and SWITCH if you feel
like switch.
Stop and think, switch and forget for a while.
Go back. Maybe leave something. Start
something new - without pushing, without the
worm inside your head speaking: you HAVE to,
you SHOULD to...
Let ideas flow out of your mind freely.
Because if you let them out, they are like new
born and you have the room in your head for
another ideas to be born.
Every time I put something on the paper - it
is like take it out from my head and create
space for something new, yet the "old" idea is
still living in my mind. But it is not
knocking on the door in the prison of ideas.
TO HASTE somewhere is usually only a way to
find out you are more faster in
same place and from
where you will HASTE SOMEWHERE ELSE.
IF you do things freely and properly, in a
smooth way, you can propably even SUCK THE
ATMOSPHERE around. You remember more and with
better quality. You feel something special
which stays forever fresh and tasty.
If you want to do something NEW, you need to
EXPERIMENT. And you can experiment only if you
have free BLOCK OF TIME. No disturb - neither
physical or mental.
As for my job now. Teaching
gives me probably the best solution of making
steady money and having lot of free time. I think the ratio between
my salary and free time is great. Of course I can imagine I
could have much better job - for example doing
only the things I want:)))
But as for now I feel very grateful for this
The first year in school was very hard for me
but now it is much better because I learn how
to handle things and how to save energy.
As for clocks. I
realize that the situation (you nicely named
"it's a shame there are not more supporters
for your clock work") gives me the best
freedom I can imagine.
Now I do ONLY clocks I want. I do not take
orders from people with any special
specifications. No custom work on peoples
I listened only to my mind and having the
feeling I used to have on the beginning of my
clock career. Which
also means I only do the "Gramophone" clock
now because I like them best now.
And one more thing for the end
Only if you work alone, you can do things
really freely.
If you work with people you are a part of some
You can imagine the machine like building a
house. There is an architect (he wants to do
something original and perfect), there is the
chief of the company who built the house (he
wants to make the best profit of it), there is
the worker on the building site (he wants
steady job and he does not care what is
building and how is the quality) and there is
also the FINAL MAN who ordered the house.
And he can only WAIT AND PRAY. Because he is
not working alone...
It is great you write. Writing
is probably the biggest freedom of creating
dreams in this world.
good to hear from you
have a great time (even if I know you have:)))
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