They don't build
them like this anymore. The Gables was
erected in 1909 as a residential hotel, which
included communal space such as a ballroom,
billiard parlor, and this large side yard that
many mistake for a public park. It's where
residents socialize, air out their toddlers, and
tend small vegetable gardens. My favorite place
to sit is under the leafy dome of this one-tree
bower. I watched the leaves come on slowly over
spring, now all of a sudden they're going fast.
This autumn has been sweet, a lack of rain means
the leaves hang on longer, linger in loitering
light, yellow, orange, red, and gold, it makes running around
from job to job sort of a delight. Work
makes me feel alive and part of it is it tunes
me in to fleeting moments that can be stretched
if you pause them in your mind.
The changing seasons used to be something you
could count on, predictable patterns, charming
pagan rites.
Today some grim climate news: http://400.350.org/
But GDP must be grown at all costs so everything
accelerates, drill and spill, pollute and kill.
I watched a lot of leaves fall and never once
did one get back up on its limb.