i've been lucky with jobs
coming my way just when i need them. i've spent
15 years building my skillset as a builder, so
finding work shouldn't be a problem so long as
my body holds out. after a two-month break from
the dayjob to work on ARTisANAL,
today i started on a rustic log cabin above
bremerton, a pleasant 50-minute ferry ride from
seattle. a friend is converting the property
into an artist colony and there's much to be
done to rehab the 1973 main lodge before moving
on to treehouses and other crafty
micro-accommodations that will dot the 15 acre
lakeside parcel. the task today was skylights,
and as with all remodels there were surprises in
store once we started peeling things back. the
steeply pitched roof in one area turns out to be
four inches thick. the 2 1/8" diameter core
sample i drilled out looked like a
s'more--layers of 5/4" plywood and perlin for
graham cracker, styrofoam marshmallow, with
tarpaper and asphalt shingle chocolate on top.
it's dirty and dangerous work balancing atop a
ladder perched on a scaffold held up by
sawhorses, pushing a heavy wormdrive saw
directly overhead in a blizzard of sawdust as
glasses fog up from dustmask exhalations, but
the only harm that came to me was at end of day
when i was picking my teeth and an ancient
filling came loose and part of the tooth
crumbled. there goes the day's pay, probably.