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Picture of the Day
July 11, 2019

 It seems like summer and spring traded places this 
 year in the Pacific Northwest. I don't mind. I sort of 
 enjoy being on the water as more filters down from 
 the sky. We ran a few last minute errands, then moored 
 off Jones Island where Thomas fiddled with his fishing 
 jigs. He's on a mission to master as many survival 
 skills as possible. Me, I'm less of a prepper. If shit 
 goes down, I'd rather just go down with it. That 
 seems simpler and less stressful. After Jones, just 
 a short hop to Deer Harbor, where we connected with 
 some other Seattle peeps who were celebrating the 
 opening of crab season with a party on a picnic barge
 It was pretty gruesome watching live crabs stabbed 
 and torn in two. I filmed it but do I really need to 
 share that here? Sailing is not without its dangers, 
 but sometimes the riskiest thing is leaving a party, as 
 Thomas discovered when he splashed right into the 
 gap between the barge and the dock. He was lucky to 
get away with only some scrapes and a dented shin. 
 Maybe the moon made us crazy. We stayed up late 
 on Vive making up sea chanties like drunken sailors. 

 Very, very much like drunken sailors. 
