Brazil and reading
White Noise prepared me for
today's trip to North Philly to get a shot in the
arm: soldiers in camouflage fatigues, provisional
structures, an
center with cables descending from the
ceiling like
Norman Garwood's ductwork.
All the military people so much younger than me,
far outnumbering civilians, perhaps enjoying this
easy duty, most just standing around not even
trying to look busy. Well, I guess it's better
than most uses of the
bloated pentagon budget. The
only blood spilled came out of my left shoulder, a
rivulet that made it down to my elbow by the time
the hapless soldier scrambled for some gauze. His
buddy gave him shit for making me bleed like a
stuck pig. I looked away because I have this thing
where the sight of my own blood in a clinical
setting makes me faint. I have no problem with my
own gory injuries or other people's blood in
general, but in this type of setting, antiseptic
in the air, everything just tends to go grey when
I see my own blood--a minor childhood trauma
circuit tripped in my brain, perhaps. I made it to
the observation area without having lost
consciousness, set my timer for 15 minutes and
hoped the poke wouldn't trigger my alleged
penicillin allergy. I hadn't even read the info
they gave me. Who cares? You don't expect to live
forever, do you?
I watched for signs of reaction
as I drove back south to pick up more 16-foot 4x4s
for tomorrow's build at
Gateway Park. Was I
hallucinating? Everything seemed
and twisted, but that's normal for Home
Depot. But I did feel lightheaded, decided to
rebuild my strength with some greasy parking lot
cheesesteak. It was like I died and went
somewhere delicious.