What's wrong with this picture? These objects
are large, heavy,
and unbalanced. They're fine if you let them lie,
but try moving
them and they will try to kill you. We had to move
them a bunch
and it was stressful wondering if they might be
too heavy for my
somewhat admittedly slightly flimsy rack, already
burdened with
rented scaffolding. Every little bump translated
into disconcerting
heave and sway on the hour drive to the DEEC, but we made it OK,
the pieces half
a quarter mile of boardwalk in 90-degree
heat, only to find a major mistake had been made.
Know what it is?
Earlier in the day, pondering my mysteriously
still sticking clutch, I
thought: the biggest problem is not knowing
what the problem is.
These armatures are identical, testament to the
fabricator's precision.
But, as two halves
of a single arch, they should mirror each other.
Something felt off and I was peevish until I
figured this out.
It was a drag having to haul one all the way
back for a redo,
but it was also a relief to have pinned it
down. No one
got hurt and there were lessons learned all