I find it helpful to
throw my hands up in bafflement
and frustration and yell at the sky, "How the hell
we going to do this?" Admitting defeat kind of
preconceptions away and resets the thought process.
It was hard enough lifting the long,
heavy, lopsided
arch components off the scaffold
we used as a dolly,
but standing one up and straddling the railing with
and holding it steady enough to scribe cut marks for
removal of various excess lengths... well, I lost
over that. There's much potential
energy just itching for release
when you lift high an object
that large
and unwieldy.
I'd never
built a pulley system before, but if
the ancients could
do it, why not me? I was real nervous about it,
walked everyone
through what we were going to do, stressing the
importance of
safety... then grazed my knee on a sharp
edge and couldn't tell
how deep it was as blood started running quick down
my shin.
I grabbed a paper towel and duct
taped it all the way around. It
was merely a flesh wound and we
managed to get it up fair
easy--only to discover the fabricator had
too-small base flanges so once again progress was
stopped in its tracks.
But at least no one
got killed, so there
was that.