to pull off any
heist, three elements
must align: team,
tactics. and while not exactly
the brink's
job, salvaging this plank from
the tideflat had to check those same boxes.
1) team: we'd need at least four to move it.
luckily, hoyt & heidi, visiting for just one
allowed themselves to be volunteered, then
neighbor jared
jumped in at a moment's notice, which was clutch
as we had only a brief window of opportunity,
which brings us to...
2) timing: the board was accessible only at low
low tide, which occurs just once
every 25 hours. it was now or never because
the wood was rapidly decaying and if we waited
even a few more days, there wouldn't be much left
worth saving.
3) tactics: gotta have a plan, but also adapt. i
thought two slings would do it, but jared had the
bright idea to put handles through the loops to
better distribute the weight. it was more of a
struggle to schlep
the plank across the slippery stones than
anticipated, but once we got it to higher, level
ground, i ran back for our canoe cart and we
brought it home in style.