this is the future big tech desires: atomized
consumers constrained to virtual bubbles perfected
to exert social control and extract maximum
profit. you can work, shop, and recreate (but
mostly work) in a wholly immersive environment, a
purely commercial construct where all activities
are glazed with ads and your every swipe, tap, and
linger is itself a commodity for data managers.
you think you're playing the game but it plays
you, not so much predicting as programming your
next move. that's fine by me, to each their own,
but i think it's wild that people pay for the
privilege of strapping skinner
boxes to their faces. and i really wouldn't
care except this hero from the future made himself
a nuisance with the rat-a-tat-tat of his
toy guns (why no headphones, my dude?) and by
thrusting his arms randomly into the aisle,
oblivious as a drooling toddler tugging on the
drapes, forcing fellow passengers to squinch by.
one shook her head, proffered an unseen smile.