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Picture of the Day
January 18, 2025
though our shady place remains encrusted with frost
day after day, there was some warmth in the sun down
at the tideflat, where a viking ghost ship had appeared
overnight. we then followed the sun along the road for
a bit, where we noticed this eroded slope for the first
time though we've passed it regularly for years--goes
to show what a little shift in the light can do. on the
way back, we exchanged passing pleasantries with a
neighbor we'd never met, but somehow that turned
into a lengthy conversation. he's a high end cannabis
grower, supplier to seattle celebrities, and as a savvy
promoter he asked if we were on instagram so as to
follow his private account. "i deleted mine today."

his grandmother bought their waterfront sliver in the
'70s and he spent his childhood summers here. they
also own the wooded lot with collapsed sawmill close
to us. i offered my help in salvaging the stout lumber
and 60" circular blade. as we parted ways he went to
his truck and handed sarah a generous sample of his
. people can be right friendly around here.