[Introductory comments by officiant
Michael Gates]
Marriage too often is seen as an imposition of limitations. But what it is
is an opportunity to open one's heart to love, to grow into love and flourish.
The plunge taken here is a casting off of inhibitions, an opening of the
floodgates, a leap of faith into the arms of love.
And it is not just for this one couple today, for to witness love is to become
a part of love. It is an opportunity for all gathered here to share love's
power, to be nourished by love, and to reaffirm one's commitment to love,
whether it's in a relationship, within family, in a community, or even just
finding the strength in loving yourself.
As water can take many forms--ice, liquid, vapor--without altering its elemental
structure, so can a relationship go through many external changes while staying
true to its essence: love.
After ten years together, Sarah and Rob have invited you here to witness
and celebrate their declaration of love and commitment to one another.
Sarah. Robert. These rings, comprised of three interlocking 8s, commemorate
today's date and symbolize the interconnecting of your lives. As the figure
8 has no beginning or end, so does love know no bounds. On its side, 8 represents
infinity, a reminder to remain humble and awed by the immensity of existence
and yet be grateful every day to be a living, breathing, and loving part
of that profound mystery.
[Vows & exchange of rings]
By the power vested in me by the sun, water, trees, mountains and the general
miracle of love and existence, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may
now take the plunge. |