Sarah Kavage is the daughter
of Bill and Jennie Kavage
of Sunbury, Ohio. She grew up on 9 acres of cultivated
land and wore home-made dresses to school. Jennie &
Bill will be joined at Ross Lake by their other daughter
Rebecca, her husband Jeff, and their twin sons Hank & Luke.
Robert Zverina is the son of Frantisek
and Nadezda Zverina,
who emigrated to New York from Prague in 1968. He grew
up in Long Island suburbs. Well, the beaches were nice.
His sister Margaret, husband Jim, and their three kids
Sarah, David, & Emma will be at the reception in Seattle.
When Sarah met Rob in Brooklyn in February 1998, she
thought he was a freak. She was right, but they quickly
bonded over a shared love of bicyling, swimming, and long
runs in Central Park. They started dating in July, and when
Sarah went to Seattle for grad school that September, Rob
soon followed. The plan was to return to NYC after two years,
but the couple met so many great people they decided to stay.