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WELCOME TO CarFree SEATTLE [send logo!]
Please join our carfree yahoo group

Your Guide to Going Car-Free
is available for download & emulation.

Organizing a Car-free Day
10-page brochure developed out of Car-free Fremont

Thank You for Not Driving printable 11x17 .pdf
Just email to your local copy shop, have printed, then hang!

download and print 8.5x11" .pdf
Printables / How-to
Top 10
Who We Are

Join List

Driving motor vehicles causes more than half of our air pollution and is the largest Northwest contributor to global warming.

member - world carfree network
member - WCN

Recent news and links:
Seattle shifting away from car use
Carfree commuter appreciation station
Parking lot monuments to madness:
Simple things you can do (there's no excuse not to--esp. silkscreening how-to)

Great carfree graphics--and they're free!
Ride locally, read globally:
How walkable is your neighborhood?

A modest proposal for new draconian law! [horrible bike wreck photos]
Bike4peace - Summer transcontinental bike ride for peace!
Washington Bike Law - If you ever get doored or hit, call 911 and file an accident report!
Buschick - a blog about the glories or riding Seattle Metro buses
City of Seattle One Less Car Challenge
City program offers incentives to stop driving seattle bus stop finder, realtime traffic conditions and more!
the hidden cost of eating, or fossil foods

DIED FOR YOUR GAS printable stickers posted!
Ghostcycle - street level bike art raising awareness - "mapquest" for cyclists avoids hills and freeways
There are degrees of evil...
Seattle's Metro Bus System rocks! Request free systemwide map.

Request the excellent free Seattle Bike Map online.
Yes! Magazine asks: Can We Live without Oil?

Kurt Vonnegut likens oil addiction to heroin in In These Times
Suppressed Pentagon report warns of global climate change - The Observer
Polar Bears Fight For Survival in a Vanishing Sea Ice Environment - US Dept of Interior
China rushes to follow USA's bad example -
Artists in Prague use humor and beauty to fight cars - auto-mat!
Freeway Closure in LA -
Nude Cycling Activism in Spain! -

Please visit our yahoo clubhouse to become part of the car pollution solution.

Flyers, T-Shirts, and Stickers
We've got T-shirts and stickers. Email rob "at" for more info.

T-shirt designs:

courtesy of

by scott cocking

great for shirtbacks!

screw yr. car by zverina

Saturday, Aug 24 2002 was Car-Free Seattle Day II...
Nonjudgmental counseling, Carfree Seattle 2002

Read the Seattle Times story...

Read the Mayoral Proclamation..

Read the Press Release...

Read the Backgrounder...

Sunday, Sep 16 2001 was Car-Free Fremont (Seattle)...

Just posted! New photos from Seattle's 2001 Carfree Fremont...

Photos from Carfree Fremont: [ Sheet 1 | Sheet 2 ] Courtesy of john cornicello

free bike parking

Ours will be a triumph of aesthetics...

Few technologies bring out the grace
of the human form better than a bicycle.

The balance and motion needed to make a bike
go is a pleasure to behold; a pleasure
second only to the feelings one gets riding.

Photographer Paul Dahlquist shares his vision
of bicycling in his hometown Seattle.

>> enter <<

left, "Free Bike Parking" c. Paul Dahlquist
       c/o Benham Gallery, 206.622.2480

What Else:

Who Do We Think We Are?
We are a loose coalition of artists, students, parents, teachers, children, and alternative transportation activists organizing to spread the idea that cars are a problem. Cars suck and we demand better options.

The goal of this website is to provide information and materials to spread the car-free concept. We seek to empower and enable individuals to make positive changes in their local communities. We need your help.

Distribute flyers, hang posters, share information. Lead by example. Take the initiative. No one is going to do it for you. Your participation is the solution.

A better world is possible.

Car-free Goals:
  • Raise awareness of alternative transportation, especially non-motorized modes
  • Reclaim the streets with fun events
  • Celebrate walkable communities
  • Send the message that cities should be organized around PEOPLE, not cars
  • Provide a networking opportunity for alternative transportation activists
  • Set a precedent for other communities to follow

"If you think of car-free living as just the typical North American suburban lifestyle without the cars, it sounds horrible. But if you think of it as an opportunity to live in real neighborhoods, to get more exercise in the natural course of your day without joining a health club, to patronize local businesses instead of some multinational conglomerate, to not have to chauffeur your children everywhere, to gain an annual tax-free increase in disposable income worth several thousand dollars, to redesign your community out of strip mall ugliness and into a real "there," and to lose your fear of people who are racially or socio-economically "different," it sounds a lot better." - Karen Sandness

Another problem that "green" cars won't solve - Metals in tires and brake pads are a significant source of water pollution. In a recent CA study, 50% of the total copper load to Lower San Francisco Bay was attributed solely to brake pad wear. Copper consistently ranks as a metal of great concern because it can be acutely toxic to fish even at low concentrations. Tire wear alone could account for at least half of the total cadmium and zinc loads that enter the Bay each year. The metals from tire and brake pad wear are deposited onto roads and are washed directly into the storm drain system. -

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