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subscribe to Carbusters - www.carbusters.org

Screeeeeeed! - One-stop pro-cycling resource...and more

Real sweeping change will only come about through individual action. Just stop driving and actively encourage others to do the same. Time is running out--that is, if there's even time left to reverse or minimize the effect of largely automobile-induced global warming. What are you waiting for, more proof?
Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us

Seattle Bike Shops
Electric Vehicles NW
Free Range Cycles
Wright Bros.

Car-free Resources

Are You on the Bus?
Seattle's Metro Bus System rocks! Request free systemwide map.

Bike Commuting
- http://www.runmuki.com/commute/index.html

Request the excellent free Seattle Bike Map online.

Carbusters - http://carbusters.org
Magazine, action ideas, downloads!

Carfree email list
(general worldwide) - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CarFree

Carfree_cities - http://carfree.com

Carfree Times: (E-newsletter) - http://www.carfree.com/cft/index.html

Car-Free Timeline
- http://www.carfreeday.ca/historical_events.php
A brief history of the future...

Do you really need to own a car? - http://www.verdant.net/cars.htm

Feet First (pedestrian advocacy group) - http://feetfirst.info/

International Bicycle Fund - http://ibike.org/

Go byBicycle - http://gobybicycle.com/
Bike advocacy in Portland features some printable downloads

United Nations Car Free Days Program - http://www.uncfd.org

Ted White, filmmaker - http://www.tedwhitegreenlight.com/
Seminal bike advocacy films include "Return of the Scorcher" and "We Are Traffic"

Car-Free Days Around the World

International European Car-Free Day 2002 - http://www.22september.org/

Athens, Greece

Bogota, Columbia

Community Action

Gas Boycott for Peace

Car-free News Portal (in development)

Seattle Strategic Planning Office -

Car Smart Communities Program: http://www.cityofseattle.net/carsmart/default.htm
Car Smart Communities encourages neighborhood projects which will help us use our cars less often for errands and other personal and family trips.

Car Free Seattle - http://carfree_seattle.tripod.com/sea/main.html

World Car Free Day 2000 - http://www.carbusters.ecn.cz/WCFD.htm
Great ideas from last year's event. (This year's World Car Free Day is September 20.)

LESS TRAFFIC! - http://www.lesstraffic.com
Street reclamation in a suitcase! Brilliant!

Portland Intersection Repair -

An example of street painting which Car-free Fremont hopes to replicate in Seattle.There's more to intersections than waiting for the light to change.

The SUV Ticket - http://www.baaction.org/SUVticket/
This humorous ticket details the problems with SUVs. Stick it to them!

"I'm Changing the Climate!" - http://www.changingtheclimate.com/
Guerilla bumper sticker that lets SUV drivers tell the truth about their "cars."

Wit and Wisdom



Books & Essays

Asphalt Nation - http://www.janeholtzkay.com/AsphaltNation/index.html
Book by Jane Holtz Kay is subtitled: How the Automobile Took Over America and How We Can Take It Back. Get it?

Carfree Living in Perspective by Karen Sandness:

The Truth About Cars

The Secret Life of AAA

"New Car" Smell Is Toxic


Environmental News

Mass Transit Could Reduce Oil Dependency 40%
An independent study shows the car pollution solution is closer than we thought...

An Alternative to AAA
The better world club offers rates and benefits that are competitive with AAA's, yet come without the anti-environmental lobbying. In fact, like Working Assets Long Distance, Better World Club donates 1% of all revenues towards environmental cleanup efforts nationwide. Better World supports sound policies like mass transit funding and the Clean Air Act. http://www.betterworldclub.com/

How the North is Getting Burned
"In fact, the warming has been so significant that the Arctic ice, which for thousands of years acted like a thick insulating tuque keeping the entire planet on climatic course, has begun to shrink -- alarmingly...." Global warming is a reality. Is it too late to reverse the process?

Old News

Stop Esso [Exxon] - click here for hours of fun watching GW "follow his nose"

Arianna Huffington used to drive a Lincoln Navigator, until she saw the light. She's now on a crusade to turn the tide. Her website offers frequent skewering of SUV culture. She's also spearheading http://www.detroitproject.com/, a campaign which creates and places TV ads about the connection between gas guzzlers and terrorism. It is heartening to see someone with her visibility and influence daring to buck the trend.

A well-written book review enumerates the problems with SUVs:

What is wrong with this picture? Tax breaks for SUV buyers!?

What Would Jesus Drive? Religious groups advocate conservation!