
Picture of the Day
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June 30, 2000

Fire Made It GoodDennis Gray's Queen Anne apartment rooftop proved perfect venue for first 15 Minutes of Fame Home Movie Party where guests were invited to bring 15 minutes or less of their favorite VHS footage-- preferably something they themselves filmed although there were exceptions, most notably the first U.S. big screen showing of two short works ("The Magic Bell" and "Bloody Hugo") by Czech filmmaker Aurel Klimt. A tiny grill miraculously fed the masses in a loaves and fishes kind of way, and previously threatening clouds yielded to indigo skies as Space Needle sparked to life and we fired up the LCD projector Dennis borrowed from work. The setlist: Let's Think and Be Safe educational film, lip syncing skate punks ("nobody likes me, not even Jesus"), imperfected cat tricks, Taiwanese mask-making workshops, Chicago morning news henna demo starring Andi, and a trio of music videos, the soundtrack for one of which was KCMU simulcast which provided an eerily appropriate complement, calling to mind William Burroughs' famous question: How random is random? If you were there, please sign the guestbook.