About a week or two ago I wrote on a card:
May an unreasoning happiness be yours.
Today that blessing came back to me. Maybe
it was the brilliant morning sun, the premature
hint of spring in the air, the lingering pink sky
of sunset. Any way, it was a great day. Work
was hard but gratifying--sawzall'd a bunch of
nice old doors off the 3rd floor of Cobb Bldg.
Then an easy, interesting pickup on the 7th
floor loft of FX
McCrory's--a steak and scotch
restaurant at 419 Occidental reputed to have
the largest selection of whisky in the world.
It's amazing how much of this large building
at a prime location was devoted to storage of
old light fixtures, empty bottles, and old hand
railings. I guess that's about to change, which
is why we rode the 100-year-old freight elevator
to the top to pick out the
good stuff before the
new owners do whatever they're going to do
with the building. My guess--and a pretty ob-
vious one at that--is that it will be turned into
pricey condos. Well, duh. Evening found us
at the Bit Saloon
in Ballard, where I got to try
out the TV-B-Gone which
finally arrived by
mail a month or two late. (Thanks, John Reich!)
The people at the next booth over joked when
their program was interrupted: No TV? Let's
leave! They turned it back on. A little while
later, we turned it off. They were quicker this
time turning it back on. Soon, they left and we
turned it off again. The TV silence was pleasant.