Been here since October
8 and it's starting to sink in that this is
really where
we live now.
was home for so long it always seemed a given that
despite the distance and length
of our travels we'd always end up back there. Now
I'm not so sure and it's making me a
little nostalgic. We haven't had a bad day since
we got here--knock
wood--but as I sway
in a breeze-rocked hammock overlooking the rugged
SE Maui coastline I reminisce about
the 15-year run we had in Fremont.
There were rough spots, to be sure--heartbreak, lean
times, friendshipwrecks--but
the community of creatives, craftspeople, and do-gooders we
joined forces with made 1998-2013 the most
edifying and satisfying period of my life.
I don't want to name individuals for fear of
leaving some VIP out, so in a somewhat vague
way please allow me to share Eight Things I Loved and/or
Miss About Seattle:
1) Rocking out every Sunday with 4Shadows.
Spontaneous creativity with kindred spirits is
always a peak experience. 2) Hanging out at Indian Summer. Sidewalk culture,
with its interplay
of friends, neighbors, and strangers, is the
quintessence of city living. 3) Having friends
over for
movie night, parties, crafting, whatever. Seattle is
home to some of the finest people I know and it
was always a joy to share our home with them. 4)
Dropping in on neighbors unannounced or answering
knock of unexpected guests. The enchanted hillside
pocket where we lived was a bit
anachronistic like that.
5) Friday nights at Canoe Social
Club. Hangovers be damned, you never knew
who or how many would show
up but the conversations were always deep,
diverse, and engaging. 6) Spinning 45s as DJ Port-a-Party--most
all those 10-hour marathon sessions at Punk Rock Flea Market.
Music brings out
the best in people. 7) Bicycling,
especially those local grocery runs on my clunky
Worksman cruiser with its oversize wire basket or
rallying with buddies to the beach.
8) The music scene. Sad to say, the number of
unpretentious venues supportive of local
and/or oddball acts keeps dwindling, but here's to
Blue Moon, Josephine, Rendezvous and the
few remaining for carrying the torch. (RIP, Funhouse. Better
yet, come back from the dead.)
I'm grateful for all this and more. The measure of
a city is its people. Thank
you, friends!